Scalp Micropigmentation Aftercare - What Do You Need To Know?

Have you undergone scalp micropigmentation (SMP) and wondering how you should care for your scalp after the treatment? If so, you have come to the right place. SMP is an effective solution for hair loss. But you should follow the right aftercare procedure to make sure the treatment lasts as long as possible. This article provides information on everything you should know about caring for your scalp after SMP in order to make it last for many years to come.

SMP Or Scalp Micropigmentation

Pre-Caring For Your Scalp Before SMP Treatment

Preparing yourself for SMP goes a long way toward achieving the results you are longing for. Here are some of the most effective pre-care instructions to consider prior to your SMP treatment:

  • Avoid painkillers like ibuprofen or aspirin before the treatment. If you are taking painkillers on a regular basis, consult your doctor first and ask him/her if you can stop taking painkillers at least 48 hours before each session.
  • Don’t consume caffeine or alcohol a day before the treatment since they can worsen your pain.
  • Moisturize your scalp with a water-based moisturizer if you suffer from dry skin or skin flaking. In fact, skin flaking can remove some of the pigments deposited after the first session of SMP.
  • Identify the problem areas on your scalp such as bald spots, thinning hair, or receding hairline. Take photos for your reference. You should show these photos to the SMP technician for a more accurate assessment of how the treatment should be done.
  • Do your homework and familiarise yourself with how SMP is performed. It’s easier to adjust your expectations on treatment day the more you know about the procedure.

Short-Term Care After The Treatment

Once you successfully complete a session of SMP, follow these short-term care instructions in order to allow the pigments to settle in. You should be as gentle as possible with your scalp during this time. Your SMP professional will provide detailed instructions on how you should care for your scalp. These instructions are as follows:

  • Avoid soaking your scalp in water for at least 3-5 days after the session.
  • Avoid activities that can make your scalp sweat.
  • Excessive sweat will make the pigments blotchy and ruin the appearance.
  • Minimize sun exposure soon after the treatment.
  • Sun’s UV rays will break down the pigments and cause permanent fading.
  • Don’t forget to wear a scarf or take an umbrella wherever you are exposed to the sun.
  • You will notice some swelling soon after the treatment – which is completely normal and not a concern.
  • Place a small towel over the scalp and put an ice bag on top for temporary relief.
  • Don’t scratch, scrub, and comb the hair.
  • Use the fingertips without your nails to scratch the head if it becomes too itchy.
  • You may wash the scalp on the 5th day of the treatment with a mild shampoo.

Long-Term Care For Your SMP Treatment

SMP is considered an effective and permanent solution to hair loss problems. You should implement the following long-term care instructions in order to enjoy a fuller and thicker head of hair for many more years to come. Follow these tips to get the most out of your SMP treatment sessions:

  • Moisturize your scalp each day. Use the moisturizer soon after taking a shower or before going to bed. It will reduce dry scalp conditions and flaking of the pigments.
  • Apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30-50 to your scalp in order to preserve the color of the pigments and prevent them from prematurely fading.
  • Don’t use hair care products with alcohol since alcohol will be absorbed by the scalp and make the pigments look blotchy. Avoid such products as much as possible.
  • Exfoliate the scalp at least once a week in order to remove dead skin cells & maintain the appearance of your new-found looks.
  • Consult the SMP technician for any touchups regarding the treatment. Just like a tattoo, SMP will fade slowly over time. But you can wait for at least 5 years before needing a touch-up.
  • A touch-up helps customize your look by sharpening the edges of the hairline or changing the color of the treatment depending on your personal preferences according to Creative Scalp who provide scalp micropigmentation California.

SMP is one of the most effective hair loss treatment methods out there with so many other treatments. It delivers incredible value for your money and the results are quite realistic. But you should look after your treatment to make sure the results last for many years to come. With these aftercare tips, you can enjoy a fuller head of hair. It will not only restore your hairline but helps increase your confidence levels as well.

The aforementioned article provides information on what you need to know about Scalp Micropigmentation or SMP aftercare.